love this... Am off on two padded feet to roll alittle more in the winter sun

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That sounds like a delicious thing to do - the sun is shining here, I might well join you!

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I love your blog! It is so insightful. You are right: many people like to think they are not animals, but we certainly are. Another human-centric thing humans like to do is give animals human attributes.

I write a blog called the Art of Self-Care on Substack. Like you, I'm an artist. I mostly do art in oils. I love how you sketch and am subscribing to your blog!

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Oh thank you for reaching out Beth, and for your very kind words! I am off to check out your publication now :)

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Oh, thank you very much! I look forward to your future posts!

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I can listen to you till the cows come home! Although drawing animals as you do is not in my talent, I get what you say. For me creating Art has all to do with getting in line with the universal language of life. A language to listen to, so we can understand each other. Know who we are. The first time I heard a Native American talking about standing people, four-legged people, rawling people ... I was amazed; that's my language! We are all humans!! We all deserve to be respect, because we are life.

I don't know if you are a reader nd have heard of Braiding Sweetgrass? It is an amazing book, if you don't know it yet I believe you might love it. I am typing this without my glasses On (having a sore eye) so I hope I typred some English. Have a lovely day! I'll see if there are some cows coming home :)

Warmly, Alja

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Oh Alja, I loved reading this! And I absolutely ADORE Braiding Sweetgrass and everything that Robin writes and shares - she is such a gift to us all. I love that you described creating art as being in touch with the universal language of life - nothing is more true than that!

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Amazing! It couldn't be any different, otherwise I would have send you the book.

It's a gem. I was deeply moved by every chapter, never read a book so slowly ... every cell in me was moved and changed direction. It brought me the words I missed, together with Sacred Instruction (Sherri Mitchell) and Oren Lyons wisdom.

And then I found Sharon Blackie and she brought me my European "Mother" and your illustration of Baba Yaga. The love expressed in this illustration ... I have no words for it.

You must have been filled with it when you drew it.

I am a bit behind with reading your other articles, for cow's sake I will soon catch up! Have a lovely day!

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