
How you can make magic (and time) by sketching in the margins

And you are worth every moment

I have been deep into creating the course content for The Wild Sketchbook Sanctuary, and one of the things about this course that has gifted me such joy is our co-working sessions.

I first came across this notion of co-working over zoom via courses with the delightful

, and truly, it is so impactful.

Twice a week we get together, have a little chat, then all go on mute, leaving our video on, and work on our own thing for about 40 minutes. Then we come back at the end, chat about what we worked on, I can answer any questions, and we just get to revel in the fact that we are gathering from all over this beautiful pale blue dot to spend some time just (JUST) creating. Some work on the lessons in the course, some work on optional reference I provide, and some work on other pieces they are magically manifesting.

The result, though, is that we get to intentionally find some time in our busy days to make magic. And I have no doubt that in doing so, particularly together like that, we are also putting some beautiful collectively swirling energy into the world.

In any case, I made a little video to talk about this too.

Creating, for any length of time, is not a waste of time.

What is a waste of time is spending it thinking about creating, wishing you were creating, but not doing it.

We often think we need to squirrel away hours to be able to make art. Or even that we need a whole day. And yes, for some art practices, getting out paints or other things may need a decent chunk of time. BUT, you can still create magic in the margins. All you need is a pencil and some paper.

It is all additive. Ten minutes every day is an hour in a week that you spent making that may not have happened otherwise.

And if that is not magic I don’t know what is.

In our co-working sessions I am manifesting a special project - a Tiny Book of Eyes.

If you have known me for any length of time you know I am a little obsessed with drawing the eyes of wild beings. We make the most amazing connections through eye to eye contact, and honouring these wild eyes reminds me of my own wild heart. In a little sketchbook, just 9x13cm (3.5x5in) I choose a coloured pencil and sketch a reference for 40 minutes. We are into week 4 of the course now, so already I have 7 eyes that weren’t there before. I didn’t have to have an elaborate set up, just a pencil and sketchbook and 40 minutes. And it keeps adding up. By the end of this 7 weeks The Wild Sketchbook Sanctuary runs for, I will have a book of 14 eyes. That is such a beautiful, gentle, way to create a project - the thought of sitting down for the 11 hours in one session to make the same thing feels much more daunting. But in the margins, almost in the sort of time that happens while you aren’t looking, a little body of work comes together.

There is another added benefit that you are actually creating time by being wholly present in your art making, but let’s discuss that at another point.

So this is my reminder for you. Find yourself 10, 15, 30 minutes today to make magic (and time) by sketching.

We are entering that hectic (and mostly delightful) time of the year, and self care can look like so many things, but one of the biggest and bestest ways for me to care for myself (and for the wild world) is for me to find some time in the margins to sketch my wild kin. I hope you can find your way to your sketchbook over the next few days too.

You are amazing, and you are doing incredible things by being courageous enough to make art.

And for that I send you so much love.

PS: The Wild Sketchbook Sanctuary opens again early next year. You can join the waitlist here!